Why choose The Daily Trade?
There needs to be a clear understanding of the market and how it works. Before that, we must understand the basics. People entering the market all start at a different door. What I mean by this is that at each door, each person has been introduced to the market/investing in their own way. Whether that be from a friend, the media, colleague, college course, social media, family, etc. This changes the outcome of each person and how they grow into the field. The market and its general field isn’t just for the everyday stereotypical trader but for the people that want to have a retirement or generational wealth. The worst thought in my mind is that people enter the market with just their employer sponsored plans instead of learning about it and don’t know how, what, where, their money is going or doing during this time. This is the most absurd and ignorant thing that somebody would do. If you work for your money, don’t let somebody else control it, YOU control it and decide the fate of it. Managing your money is the best place for financial freedom and growth potential. The goal of The Daily Trade is to educate and help develop a better understanding of the financial markets and system.